Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the result of
Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 82 posts {Gen (UR)-36,
Gen (EWS)-10, Gen (WFF)-02, OBC(UR)-14, OBC (BPL)-01, SC (UR)-12, SC(BPL)-03, SC
(WFF)-01 & ST (UR)-03 } of Junior Office Assistant (IT) (on contract basis) Post Code:
903 held on 19.12.2021 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:10) by the
Hon’ble Commission. The requisitions to fill up these posts were received from
various departments/ board and advertised vide advertisement No. 37-1/2021 dated
08.04.2021 and addendum dated 19.08.2021.
In response to this advertisement, 46581 applications were received out of which 41665 applications were provisionally admitted. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 19.12.2021 in which 20833 candidates appeared and 20832 candidates remained absent.
Out of total 16207 candidates appeared, the following 842 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process i.e. typing skill test.
Download JOA IT 903 Post Code Written Test Result Click Here