On Tuesday 22 September 2020 Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni Published self Financing seats two notifications. 1st Counselling Proforma Objection list incomplete form or college preference not given accurate or incomplete document or wrong documents submitted list on their website YspUniversity regarding the counselling Proforma and counselling of Undergraduate Programme. This notice is for the all students they are applied for the UG course and filled the counselling Proforma for normal seat.
Visit Dr Ys Parmar University Solan Official Website and Download Self Financing seats Counselling Proforma Click Here
In this 2nd Objection list total 460 candidate get Objection in their Counselling Proforma. The last date of submission of all supporting documents and Re-submission of Counseling Proforma is 07 September 2020.