Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission Hamirpur Declared today Written Test Result of Junior Engineer Electrical 715 Post Code for a 51 Posts. Total 160 Candidates qualify for the 15 marks screening test (Documentation Process) held in staff selection commission office Hamirpur on date 20 & 21 January. Documentation Evaluation Process staring and Candidates Reporting time is morning 9:30 Am. All 160 Candidates can get separate invitation latter for the Documentation Process on date 20 & 21 January.

HPSSC Also declared the final AnswerKey of the Junior Engineer Electrical 715 Post Code both Four Series A, B, C, D.
From these 160 Candidates only 51 candidates can Final Selection letter after the Documentation Process. And get job in the department of HPPTCL.
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission Hamirpur also declared today Written test result for the recruitment of 14 posts Publicity Assistant Grade-I 702 Post Code. And also out its Final AnswerKey. For the 14 posts total 46 Candidates are invited for the 15 marks evaluation Documentation Process on date 23 January 2020. In the office of Staff Selection Commission Hamirpur.