Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 20 posts {Gen (UR)-16, SC (UR)-03 & ST (UR)-01 } of Clerk(LDR) (on Regular basis) Post Code: 957, the requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Secretary (SA) to the Govt. of HP Shmila-2, and advertised vide advertisement No. 38-2/2022 dated 12.01.2022. HPSSC Hamirpur LDR Clerk 957 Post Code Final Result
In response to this advertisement, 209 applications were received out of which 134 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 27.03.2021 in which 128 candidates appeared and 06 candidates remained absent.
Based on the performance in the Written Objective Type Screening Test of 85 marks,80 candidates in the ratio of 1:10 were called for skill typing test conducted on 20.07.2022 in which 76 candidates appeared and 04 remained absent. Out of 76 candidates, only 12 candidates have qualified the skill typing test. The Commission has compiled the result of 20 posts of Clerk (LDR) (on contract basis) Post Code: 957. The candidates bearing following Roll Numbers have been declared successful.
09 posts {Gen (UR)-05, SC(UR)=03 & ST (UR)-01} remained vacant due to non availability of candidates. The result has been declared subject to the final outcome of CWP No. 2133/2022.