Himachal Pradesh staff selection commission HPSSC Hamirpur Today on 10 August 2020 issued the Rejection list of the POST OF TGT(MEDICAL) POST CODE-793 Due to Non Fee Received. HPSSC Hamirpur Rejected the total 173 Candidates form due to Non paying of the examination fee. You can Downland the Rejection list from below Download links.
HPSSC Hamirpur Also Publish the Notice regarding the following candidates who have applied for the post of TGT(Medical) 793 Post Code. Are required to submit their bonafide Himachali certificate or certificate of passing Matirc and Plus Two from any School/ Institutions situated within Himachal Pradesh. On this e-mail adress ([email protected].) to the H.P. Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur within 07 days. If candidates not submitted their Documents so their candidature will be canceled by the HPSSC Hamirpur.