Dr Ys Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni Solan 2022-23 Academic year Admission Entrance Test Official Notification. Outed on Date 27 April 2022. In this Year their will no University own Entrance Exam will be Conducted for the all Bsc or Master MBA PhD Course.
The Admission will be given on the bases of ICAR AIEEA Entrance Examination. For the Normal seat or in the self Financing seat the Admission will be given on the 12th merit class merit bases. If you Don’t no what is is self Financing or normal seat click Here
Ys Parmar Solan University Official Notification
It is for information of all the candidates that the University will not conduct its own entrance examination for any of the following degree programmes ie. Undergraduate, MSc, MBA (Agribusiness) and Doctoral Programmes for the Academic Session, 2022-2023. The following procedure shall be adopted for admission:
Admission for the Academic Session, 2022-2023 to all the degree programmes [except MBA (General)] shall be made on the basis of score card of Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR)- AIEEA(UG), AIEEA (PG) and AICE-JRF/SRF-2022 to be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
It is mandatory for all the desirous candidates to apply and appear in the ICAR’s entrance examination (whichever is applicable) failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled.
Apart from applying ICAR-AIEEA(UG), AIEEA (PG) and AICE- JRF/SRF-2022 to be conducted by NTA, it shall be mandatory for the candidates to submit online application form of this university alongwith application fee within due date of submission by accessing university website www.yspuniversity.ac.in.
Candidates who do not appear in the ICAR entrance examination or fail to submit online application form of this university shall not be considered for admission. The details of admission procedure and criteria will be available in the respective prospectus of each programme which will be uploaded on the university website. https://nta.ac.in), ICAR (https:/icar.nta.nic.in) as well as this university www.yspurniversity.ac.in regularly for latest updates and information.
It is advised to visit the websites of NTA Candidates who wish to apply for MBA (General) are not required to apply and appear in ICAR examination. However, they are required to appear in the HP MAT entrance examination to be conducted by the HP University and are also requird to fill online application form of this University. The admission to MBA (General) will be on the basis of merit of HP MAT followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview.