HPPSC Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Shimla was established on 8th April, 1971. After the attaining Statehood on 25th January 1971. Then it was Established in 8 April 1971. The main functions of the commission is to conduct examinations and interviews for appointment in to various services of the State.
After 1998 Establishing the HPSSSB Hamirpur now Known as HPSSC Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission. Now HPPSC Shimla conducted the exam and for only Class-I and Class-II jobs recruitments. Public Service Commission invited the application only for the Class-I and Class-II jobs after the establishment of HPSSC.
HPPSC Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Function
Its main function is taking recruitments in Class-I and Class-II officers. In these three or four step of selection process Written Test (objectives and selective type online and offline) In some recruitment and depending on type of recruitment Practical or Physical test (like typing test and Running, high jump long jumps) Last is Interview it is Final step but in E-II level recruitment only Documentation Evaluation Process only.
It also conduct the HPAS and Allied Examination Preliminary and main examination
Contact Details and WebSite
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla, H.P. – 171002 E-mail: [email protected] WebSite: www.hppsc.hp.gov.in